The framers off thee Constitution establisheed the broad structure of government but also left the system flexible enough to adapt to changing condiitions. A document of less than 6,000 words, the Constitution is not overly detaled
They weren't allowed to have educations because then they would be more likely to rebel.
Generic name, drug: The term "generic name" has several meanings as regards drugs: The chemical name of a drug. A term referring to the chemical makeup of a drug rather than to the advertised brand name under which the drug is sold.
Assault and Battery is a criminal activity in which two crimes are included, Assault and Battery.
Assault is the crime in which a person attempts a threat or threatening behavior on the other. The motive of this harm will be determined as an intentional harm to injure.
Battery, on the other hand, is the crime using physical violence or touching another person harmfully or violently.
<u>In the given case, Mark can sue Danny for Assault and Battery case in the Civil Courts. Because </u><u>Danny's behavior was threatening</u><u> and he used physical violence also on Mark by </u><u>punching </u><u>on him</u>.
So, the correct answer is Assault and Battery.
The answers and explanation will be attached in the file below.