8 miles
Velocity is speed+direction (the speed of something in a given direction). We know that running on a track, one is moving forwards, which is why the velocity given as positive. Now we do some simple algebra. 120 minutes is equal to 2 hours. At a velocity of 4 miles an hour, for 2 hours, you multiply 4x2 and get 8, which is how far (in miles, units are important) the man has traveled once he comes to a stop.
A Jaguarundi would be considered a Secondary Consumer. They are predators, but they can also become prey.
It will either have to divide or it will die.
This is because of the surface to volume the cell grows, its surface to volume ratio gets smaller. It gets much more difficult to transport nutrients in and waste out.
Peristalsis is the involuntary movement of the muscles that move food through the digestive system.
- Peristalsis is a reflex response.
- It is initiated when the gut wall is stretched by the contents of the lumen.
- Peristalsis occurs in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract from esophagus to the rectum.
- It actually refers to the ringlike contraction of the circular smooth muscle that move progressively forward pushing the bolus.
- It involves coordinated contraction and relaxation above and below the food bolus so that the bolus is pushed forward instead of being pushed back.
Generally, blue light suppresses extension growth; plants grown with blue light are usually shorter and have smaller, thicker and darker green leaves compared to plants grown without blue light