True. We all share characteristic by the way we live in our environment and where we live.
Answer: the filled in options are(from up to down): decreases; increases; decreases and increases
Ok, let us first full in the gap from the question;
''When a nonvolatile solute is added to a volatile solvent, the solution vapor pressure DECREASES, the boiling point INCREASES, the freezing point DECREASES, and the osmotic pressure across a semipermeable membrane INCREASES.
First, volatility is the tendency of a substance to vaporize.
A non volatile solute will not produce vapour at the boiling point of a particular solution. It is a solute that has low vapour pressure. This property, that is, a low vapour pressure will cause an increase in the boiling point. An example is glucose.
Non volatile solute, apart from increament in boiling point called boiling point elevation, it also decreases freezing point called freezing point depression.
Also, colligative properties such as osmotic pressure increases.
James oglethorpe founded it