:Public speaking has been reversed as a civic right in democratic civilizations since ancient times.
: When someone speaks to a group of people in live through any medium whether it is internet related such as videos, etc. or Televisions, or with no screens i.e. in live then it is known as public speaking. Public speaking includes face to face interaction of speaker and audience. In this process a single person speaks to a group of audience. In public speaking mostly formal speeches are used to connect with people.
Public speaking is reversed as civic right since ancient times. Civic right protects the right of freedom. These rights provides basic freedom to every citizen of the Nation. The right to speech is a fundamental right and has always been protected by the civic right and that’s why since ancient ages in democracy the civic right has been reversed in the public speaking.
Jay's Treaty was between the US and Great Britain that is claimed to helping avoid war, resolving issues and leading to 10 years of peaceful trading between the two countries. The treaty requested the removal of British troops from pre-Revolutionary War forts, Some Americans were not happy with this idea because they feared it would help foster aristocracy. After the ten years, the Pinkney Treaty that would continue the agreement was rejected by Jefferson leading the way for the War of 1812. The major point of the Monroe-Pinkney Treaty was to get Britain to quit impressing Americans into serving in the Royal Navy during the French war. The British didn't concede because they felt it was less offensive to tell the Americans no than loose to the French. The two countries went to war in 1812 to 1814. The Treaty of Ghent in Belgium was sign 12-24-1814 to end the war. It did not declare either country a winner. Both countries would get back their lands lost during the war, Americans would get back their POWs, and their slaves .
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- Not all land was suitable for the growth of cotton.
- Because they wanted to win the right to vote.
- It would help in the fight for gender equality.
- It brought slaves to the North where slavery had been abolished.
(I'm tired I'll let someone else finish it. If I don't see more answers by tomorrow, at 745 p.m, I'll finish where I left off. )
Carl's Perkings Act
The answer is Perkings Act.
This act is named after Carl D. Perkins. This acts helps students and people to study technical courses and increase their knowledge. By allowing the deprived people to study and practice technical things, they will help to strengthen the United States economy.
The full name of this act is Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act. The Federal government of the States authorized this act in the year 1984.
This act ensures access to vocational assessment, counseling, and placement of the disenfranchised groups.
Thus the answer is ---
Carl's Perkings Act
C- Henry clay I remember but u said it’s not c? But John c was a leader with him if I remember correctly?