Hello, Morgansheridonolson
I'd like to thank you for using Brainly! We all love to help out when we have a chance.
I was reading over the question and noticed the word "union" at the end of the sentence, what the speaker is saying is that they formed this union over with his group of people. And with that group they were able to do something that's possibly political, keep in mind they talk about race in the speech too. I believe the answer would be C, Voting for all blacks. I'd like you to read over again and hear this part "it was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens. The speaker is implying that they are not black and says things about the whites.
Again, Morgansheridonolson, thanks for being able to use Brainly.
Have an amazing day,
According to enotes.com, North Korea, Belarus, and Cuba all have command economies currently.
Matthew C. Perry was a 19th century U.S. Naval officer who fought in the Mexican War and headed an important expedition to Japan to open diplomatic relations.
The Anaconda Plan was used by General Winfield Scoot.
How am I supposed to know