Mitosis occurs in somatic cells when a liver cell divides to create new liver cells it will create identical daughter cells, identical to the parental cell, this guarantees the genetic composition, function and type of cells from one generation of cells to the next.
phospholipids, sterols, and triglycerides
Phospholipids make up the outermost layer of cells in the bodies of both animals and humans. They create a protective layer around the cells to help maintain them.
Sterols are a subset of steroids, a type of hormone.
Triglycerides are the fats and oils that you are familiar with in foods. This type of lipid can be saturated or unsaturated, which is part of what makes them solid or liquid, respectively, at room temperature.
The geneticist who discovered the white eye mutation in drosophila and helped establish that genes are carried on chromosomes was Thomas Hunt Morgan.
Thomas Hunt Morgan One landmark of modern genetics can be dated to January 1910, when Thomas Hunt Morgan discovered a male of Drosophila melanogaster with white eyes.
What is genetics?
- The study of genes and heredity.
- Heredity is the passing of genetic information and traits from parents to offspring.
- Genetics is the study of genes and tries to explain what they are and how they work.
- children usually look like their parents because they have inherited their parent's genes.
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