Correlation indicates that the two numbers are related in some way.
Causation requires more proof that there is no lurking variable that creates the relationship.
Yes they contain a permanent vacuole
The landscape in which limestone is eroded to form deep valleys and cavers are called Karst landscape or karst topography. This kind of development start occuring whenever the acidic water starts breaking down the bedrocks near the cracks. As the bedrock starts breaking down slowly, the cracks start to open up creating bigger holes. with passage of time the holes will become big enough to create an underground drainage system for the surface water to flow and form underneath. If the water is unable to flow out and becomes stagnant, then the Karst will start getting bigger.
Answer and Explanation:
Both clouds and fog are closely related to precipitation.
This can be explained first by the formation of clouds and fog, which begin when the air contains water vapor. This <u>water vapor is produced when there is an accumulation of moisture in the enviroment which leads to the formation of clouds. A similar process occurs with the formation of fog, which comes from saturation, that occurs after the evaporation and condensation processes that take place after precipitation (water cycle). </u>
Moreover, some types of clouds (cumulonimbus) are associated with precipitation as they could be accompanied by climatic phenomenon such as rain and snow.