jneuschafer is such a chad he didnt even add the answer for the points. but yeah, what he said
I believe so. The shapes and ect. of bones determine how animals are evolving and how they will evolve more.
I hope this helps by the way. I'm not completely sure tho.
1. Cell
2. cell theory
3. Organismal theory
4. resolving power
The cell is the smallest known unit of all living organisms. They are called the building blocks of life. An organism can be unicellular (made up of one cell) or multi-cellular (made up of many cells).
2. Cell theory was formulated and developed by Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow. They are considered as the basic principles of biology.
It states:
1. Living organisms are made up of cells.
2. Cells are the basic unit of life.
3. Cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
4. Energy flows inside the cell.
5. DNA is passed on from cell to cell.
6. All cells have the same basic chemical composition.
3. Organismal theory is the intended counter-argument of the cell theory. It was developed by Reichert, Strasberger, Sherrington, and Pavlov. It argues that the basic unit of life is the organism itself, suggesting that an organism came about from a cell that expanded.
4. Resolving power is the ability of an optical instrument like a microscope or a telescope to view objects that are close together as separate, abling the viewer to distinguish the two from each other.
Changes in the transcription of mRNA or the translation of a polypeptide are not considered to be mutations because they are not permanent changes to the cell.
The half-life of mRNA and proteins is short. mRNA has an average of 10 hours of life span while proteins have an average of several days. Therefore mutation in these biomolecules will only persist as long as this mutated mRNA of protein exists. After its life-span, the molecule is degraded and replaced by a non-mutated mRNA or proteins. This is because the piece of DNA that codes for the mRNA and subsequent protein is not mutated. A mutation on DNA is the permanent kind of mutations because DNA is a highly stable molecule that stores information about the cell.
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