Massive retaliation means the US would respond to an attack with a larger response to annihilate the enemy.
Massive retaliation required a bigger, stronger weapon than held by an enemy. This policy forced an intense arms race which required the US to win in order to execute the plan. The use spent millions developing nuclear weapons and eventually the space program to prove they were prepared for an attack by the USSR.
You didn't list statements to choose from, so I'll just provide some detail about Dulles' approach.
John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State under President Eisenhower. He held the office from 1953 to 1959. He wanted a change from what had been the "containment policy" which the US had followed during the Truman Administration, as recommended then by American diplomat George F. Kennan. Dulles felt the containment approach put the United States in a weak position, because it only was reactive, trying to contain communist aggression when it occurred.
Dulles sought to push America's policy in a more active direction; some have labeled his approach "brinksmanship." In an article in LIFE magazine in 1956, Dulles said, "The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art." He wasn't afraid to threaten massive retaliation against communist enemy countries as a way of intimidating them.