The source of inorganic fertilizer is from plant or animal based materials that are either a byproduct or end product of naturally occurring processes like leaves, and compost.
Chromatin is remodeled and nucleosomes are repositioned, thereby making specific regions of the DNA available for transcription
Answer: nitrogen and hydrogen
N2 +3 H2 ---> 2NH3
It is usually easier to calculate an enzyme's reaction velocity from the rate of appearance of PRODUCT rather than the rate of disappearance of a SUBSTRATE. Enzyme activity is measured as an INITIAL reaction velocity, the velocity before much SUBSTRATE has been depleted and before much PRODUCT has been generated. It is easier to measure the appearance of a small amount of PRODUCT from a baseline of zero PRODUCT than to measure the disappearance of small amount of SUBSTRATE against a background of high concentration of SUBSTRATE.
Acids break down the sandwich and it goes into the intestines and the enzymes and bacteria break it down more then it is absorbed into the intestines through the body.