The answer would be “D,” as gravity is the force that keep all objects on Earth’s surface.
The disease is spread from chimpanzees, who are infected with a very dangerous virus that induces rage. These infected chimps are held captive in a laboratory, but a group of animal activists sets out to liberate them. So, they get infected too, and spread the infection further.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is secrete by the embryo early in pregnancy to keep the corpus luteum for dying. This positive feedback will maintain the corpus luteum, which secretes Progesterone and Estrogens throughout pregnancy, in order to keep the endometrium well to nourish the embryo/fetus.
chitin is a complex carbohydrates, similar to cellulose, that makes up organic structure, such as the cell walls of fungi and exoskeletons of insects and other arthropods.