I) to make our country inclusive
ii) to upraise the living standard of people from all backgrounds
iii) to ensure that special privileges are provided to unprevilized ones
iv) to make our government just and promote social justice.
v) to make sure that women, Dalits and minority group have equal opportunity to develop themselves.
limbic system
The limbic system is a group of interconnected structures located deep within the brain. It's the part of the brain that's responsible for behavioral and emotional responses.
Luis is demonstrating Object Permanence .
Object Permanence is a term that describes how a child understands that an object is existing even though the child can no longer see or hear it.
Usually, infants at a certain age do get upset and cry whenever an object has been hidden from them because they are yet to attain the understanding that an object continues to exist even when they can no longer see or hear from it.
On his part, eleven-month-old Luis has reached a stage where he understands that his mom is somewhere close to him even though he can't see or hear from her.
What follows is a bill of indictment. Several of these items end up in the Bill of Rights. Others are addressed by the form of the government established—first by the Articles of Confederation, and ultimately by the Constitution.
The assumption of natural rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence can be summed up by the following proposition: “First comes rights, then comes government.” According to this view: (1) the rights of individuals do not originate with any government, but preexist its formation; (2) the protection of these rights is the first duty of government; and (3) even after government is formed, these rights provide a standard by which its performance is measured and, in extreme cases, its systemic failure to protect rights—or its systematic violation of rights—can justify its alteration or abolition; (4) at least some of these rights are so fundamental that they are “inalienable,” meaning they are so intimately connected to one’s nature as a human being that they cannot be transferred to another even if one consents to do so. This is powerful stuff.
At the Founding, these ideas were considered so true as to be self-evident. However, today the idea of natural rights is obscure and controversial. Oftentimes, when the idea comes up, it is deemed to be archaic. Moreover, the discussion by many of natural rights, as reflected in the Declaration’s claim that such rights “are endowed by their Creator,” leads many to characterize natural rights as religiously based rather than secular. As I explain in The Structure of Liberty: Justice and the Rule of Law, I believe his is a mistake.