For adults 18 and older, a normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm), depending on the person's physical condition and age. For children ages 6 to 15, the normal resting heart rate is between 70 and 100 bpm, according to the AHA.
It is always instructed to a patient to not eat any meal before getting your blood test because it may always interfere with the results. If you ate a meal before getting your blood drawn, your results will be high and after consulting your doctor, he would probably prescribed you medications on how to lower it. Lab technician wouldn't really know if you cheated unless they ask you if you had eaten before getting your blood drawn and if you admit it, they'll probably reschedule your blood test and explain what might be affected if you taken a meal before the test.
C, when you’ve sat still for a few minutes. Your resting heart rate is your heart rate when you’re not moving, so this would be the optimal time.
1) I'm sorry but I am going to have to say no. I want to have good grades and I don't want to fail. I also don't want my teeth to fall out.
2) Yay for you! I am so glad you are better! I hope you are okay, and if you need someone to talk to, here I am!
3) Tobacco could give you bad breath and make your teeth decay and turn black. Alcohol messes up your brain, and you could not think straight. Drugs could make you sick and barf. All of these substances are addictive and they could hurt you bad. most of them could even give you cancer, and many you can not back up from.
there you go
B)mental/emotional pain
It's really all in his head because he is stressed and it can cause pain or in his case pain to his stomach