a) Custom AppExchange-app for product-pricing
We can find a solution in AppExchange for this product-pricing, surfing in the option, we could get solutions like BoonPlus, and easy pricing Opportunity, this App has a free trial.
With this option is easy to choose a book price, add new products, select pricing rule, we can get an order's product, and calculate pricing, just we must download the app and install it.
Looking closely at the HTML code sequence, it does seem that the tag element is the endpoint from where the HTML form gets the input, like input boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc. And hence it is correct to say that the tag elements are the last one used in the HTML code sequence. And in the HTML code sequence head title script and styles comes at the top, and hence we mention the script or the Javascript code basically at the last, such that the HTML code or the web page run one time at least.
Please check the answer section.
For copyright<span> purposes, there is a difference between </span>MUSICAL<span> COMPOSITIONS and SOUND RECORDINGS. A </span>Musical Composition<span> consists of </span>music<span>, including any accompanying words, and is normally registered as a work of performing arts. The author of a </span>musical composition<span> is generally the composer and the lyricist, if any.</span>
A worm as a multicell organism, but a virus is a single cell.