After Jesus' crucifixion, his followers called him <em>Christ, </em>meaning the anointed one. The anointed one is usually transliterated into English (since it is a Jewish word) as Messiah. He is called Christ because it was believed he is the awaited Messiah in Bible.
He was a French historian and political scientist who championed "uniquely American" values such as egalitarianism.
Manifest Destiny basically mean, "EVERYONE MOVE TO THE WEST NOW!" But with no slaves, how would they create farms to maintain themselves? Easy: expand slavery. However, this was battled against by several sources to create the Compromise of 1850. The compromise delayed the Civil War, despite politicians knowing it will eventually happen. It bought them time-- that was important! Other new states like Nebraska and Kansas were allowed to allow slavery or not. This eventually grew to where the North had no slavery and the South did, which lead to the Civil War.
The answer is Sir Francis Drake. He is an English men but had nothing to do with Spain.
Holocaust hahahahaha jkjkjkjjk