I know this isn't much, but you should try telling her that she should at least get to know them better before asking. I'll add more stuff, but i have to go at the moment.
For one, when playing sports you learn teamwork. It teaches you how to build trust and faith in your team mates as well as learn how to function with multiple people in one place. It also teaches communication. When playing sports you have to be able to communicate with your team and coaches or else you will all be lost. When making a game plan it teaches you leadership and how to take initiative.
Hope this helps :)
The jump rope is a very versatile and convenient tool. Here’s a quick snapshot of some of the benefits of jumping we’ll be covering in this post.
Boosted fat burning: Research has shown that jumping rope can help you burn roughly 1,300 calories per hour and our case studies have proven it.
Increased muscle engagement: With heavy jump ropes, you engage more muscle groups with every workout, leading to faster results.
Improved cardio: jumping rope can raise your heart rate two to three times faster than other exercises and offer the same aerobic building benefits as running with less impact on the joints.
Improved mental sharpness: jumping rope helps with the development of the left and right hemispheres of your brain, which further enhances spatial awareness, improves reading skills, increases memory and makes you more mentally alert.
The fun factor: jumping rope is a fun way to achieve your fitness goals. It’s fun to work on new skills, like double unders and cross-overs. It’s fun to be able to take it on the road and do your workouts anywhere. It’s fun to share with a partner.
Answer: refusal skillls
Explanation: something I should have but don’t
The causes and risk factors for ADHD are unknown, but some researches shows that genetics plays an important role.