The dead sea is not connected to the ocean. It is a salt sea or really a salt lake.
This is an example of prejudice.
Prejudice is a judgment made by an individual before knowing something or someone who is the target of the judgment. This judgment creates often negative opinions that prevent the interaction between the judge and the target, and that interaction could be positive, if the pre-judgment had not been carried out. These negative ideas are called prejudice and can be seen, when a person avoids trying a new food, because he judged it as bad, for exemple.
Yellow Journalism
The type of journalism that shows news that is not researched or factually accurate but instead is exaggerated in order to attract eyeballs. In other words doing whatever is necessary to attract attention while not considering whether the content is factually correct.
Here, The Weekly World News just wanted people to buy their paper and wrote a ridiculous headline.
Hence, they are using yellow journalism.
Zakat is considered a way to purify one's income and wealth from sometimes worldly, impure ways of acquisition. It is one of the pillars of Islam. And they believe it has the potential to ease the suffering of millions.
Democratic Party.
Typically, the Democratic Party holds more seats as they have more registered voters. Seats are divided based on the population amount each state has, and they are furthered divided by the population of each district. However, the current climate is that many voters are disinterested with the Democractic Party because of their overreaching policies, so if many voters flip their party, then the 2022 elections may go in favor of the Republican Party.
Learn more about the Political Party of today, here: