The correct answer is "Emory Bogardus's research on social distance". Emory Bogardus designed a Social Distance Scale for measuring attitudes toward racial and ethnic groups. Bogardus believed that the more prejudiced is a person against a race or ethnic group the less he would like to interact with someone that belongs to that group. He applied this concept to make the Social Distance Scale.
medium of exchange
utilizing the money to exchange for the product
the most important information to tell a responsible person would be: <span>where and when
Whenever you went to an outing on the water, you need to provide this two information to someone that you could trust. This information will help other people to find you in emergency situation (you're trapped in the open sea, etc)</span>
neutral stimulus; conditioned stimulus
In Pavlov's classical conditioning, <em>before conditioning takes place, a neutral stimulus does not really elicit a response other than serving to secure attention</em>. The metronome, before conditioning, does not elicit salivation in dogs ordinary, except for focusing of attention. Food naturally elicits salivation in dog, and is referred to as an unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioning takes place when the ticking metronome is paired with an unconditioned stimulus such as food, in order to produce the same response of salivation that food produces. After conditioning, the presentation of the ticking metronome will elicit salivation. <em>After conditioning, we refer to the ticking metronome as a conditioned stimulus</em>.
The ticking metronome is the neutral stimulus before conditioning, and the conditioned stimulus after conditioning.
its a science that makes human dumb
it has toooo many nonsenses in it