If you round it up you will get 20.
"I should drink 2500 mL/day of fluid."
Water is the main chemical component of our body. Human beings can survive much longer without consuming food than without drinking water. We need water so much that about 60% of our body weight is made up of water alone. Dehydration, which is the name we call reducing the volume of water in the body, can cause serious health problems, including death, in the most severe cases. On the other hand, excessive water consumption can also be harmful as it can lead to a condition called water intoxication, which can also be fatal in some circumstances.
The ideal amount of water an adult human being should consume per day depends on many factors. There is no magic number of liters that is suitable for the entire population. Several factors can cause an individual to need more or less water than others. However, generally we can say that the ideal is that humans consume about 2500 mL (about 6 to 8 full glasses) of water per day to keep their body in a proper hydration.
A Paleo diet also known as the Stone Age diet has the same food our hunter-gather ancestors ate such as fruits,meats,seafood and nuts. The diet lessens the body's glycemic load, has a healthy ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids, increases vitamin and nutrient consumption and contains an optimal balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Answer: it's moved into the large intestines!
Carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide are another 2 highly toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke. Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless gas that is released when tobacco is burned. It is the reason why a lot of smokers gasp for their breath after only light exercise.