Sugar comes from either sugar cane or sugar beet<span> with the climate of a geographical region being the prime influence on which is grown. In both cases, the juice is extracted from the </span>sugar beet<span> or cane and impurities are removed. It is then crystallised into white sugar, which is 99.95% sucrose.</span>
Mitosis is the process of cell division that creates a new cell identical to the original. Somatic cells, such as muscles, hair and skin, undergo mitosis regularly in humans and other organisms. This is an important type of cell division needed to facilitate the repair of damaged cells, growth and replacement of old cells with new ones.
When a new cell is created, it must have the same library of genetic information all other cells in the body have access to. Because all the material in the new cell must come from the first cell, the original cell must make a copy of its DNA before completing the process of mitosis. These two sets of DNA only exist for as long as it takes the cell to undergo mitosis, which can be anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes in certain human cells. When the cell division is complete, both of the cells have a single identical copy of DNA.
The correct answer is - cell wall made up of cellulose that makes it crunchy.
In plant-based foods, the outer membrane is a cell wall that provides structure and supports the plant to stand erect and protect from the outer environment. The cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose that is a carbohydrate which is comparatively crunchy or tough to the animal protein with a fatty cell membrane that makes it chewier than the crunchy.
The composition of the protective layers of the plant cels and animal cell causes this difference in their texture.
In the southern hemisphere, the tundra includes Antarctica. The arctic tundra in the northern hemisphere includes parts of Russia, Iceland, Canada, Norway, Greenland, and Alaska (state in the US).
Where are the options????/