If this is a essay just say. the Mayas most remarkable achievement was the number system and say how it cjanged the world I did this essay in 6th grade just talk about how the number system was a good achievement
Since you know the answer, I am going to throw out a guess and say:
The Berlin Blockade (1948-1949), It then expanded after the Korean War (1950-1953) and the victory of the communist in the Chinese Civil War.
These were the stelae (singular: stela), which were tall monuments in stone or wood that glorified leaders and other powerful individuals. One of the civilization known for this is the Maya Civilisation.
The term "Black Power" has various origins. Its roots can be traced to author Richard Wright's non-fiction work Black Power, published in 1954. In 1965, the Lowndes County [Alabama] Freedom Organization (LCFO) used the slogan “Black Power for Black People” for its political candidates found on web.