Hurricane and Is there a Choice or..
the camera angle helps the Creator to establish different relationships between the subject and even between the audience and the subjects. it's very important to master these techniques if you want to become a pro filmmaker!
a. Tabbed browsing
Tabbed browsing is a feature in the browser that helps in operating several tabs at the same time. It helps in browsing different links without opening different browsers. Multiple pages can be opened and surfed at the same time in one window. Any link can be opened in a different or new tab by clicking right on the link. After this, 'open link in new tab' is to be selected and the link gets opened respectively.
Answer: A register
Registers are small memory used to store data or values and supply them to the processor as and when needed. These register hold the data temporarily and hold small units of program instructions. So whenever the CPU wants to work on data they have to be made available through the registers. Even after a arithmetic operation the registers serve as buckets for holding the value.
There are different types of registers such as register A, B, C etc and these registers lie in close proximity to the CPU so that we could provide the data immediately and much faster when asked by the CPU.
Therefore we can say that registers are used to temporarily hold small units of program instructions and data immediately before, during, and after execution by the central processing unit (CPU).
True is answered of that question