The answer is archaea
Because They have no nucleus and are able to stay in extreme heat or other conditions
Let's say a geographical barrier separates a species into two different population. Which also cause a reproductive isolation ( the two pupolations cannot interbred)
Throughout the time (lets say a million years), the two populations will undergo a lot of changes in their respective genomes and eventually will form 2 different species.
If there is no reproductive isolation, the 2 population could interbred with one another and there will be no speciation
one common ancestor
Although Darwin’s theory is often described as the theory of evolution by natural selection, most commentators recognize that common ancestry (the idea that all organisms now alive on earth and all present day fossils trace back to one or a few “original progenitors”) is an important part of the Darwinian picture.
6. a, 7. c, 8. b , 9. e , 10. d , 11. e, 12.c