Human papilloma virus (HPV) affects the skin and moist membranes. HPV can cause problems such as verrucas, genital warts and abnormal cell changes in the cervix. Read more about HPV.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks the immune system. HIV infection can lead to AIDS; however, with early diagnosis and treatment, most people don't go on to develop AIDS. Read more about HIV and AIDS.
aerobics is like expanding your lungs, like choir, singing. as an example, running free oxygen. helps alot for the cardiovascular system. Respiration is like exchanging something, trading. Trading oxygen from our lungs, we breath in and exhale for carbon dioxide. Anaerobic respiration isnt like the others getting oxygen, or getting something, it produces lactic acid. for example not havin enough oxygen can cause this uprose. im not sure if im right 10% but this is what i know
A tranquilizer is a medicinal drug taken to reduce tension or anxiety.
Two signs of good health-You eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full. ...
You're eating a varied diet rich in whole foods. ...
Two signs of poor health- Chest Pain · Abdominal Pain