Seth's body mass index amounts to 33.9. He is classified as obese.
Although obese people are frequent victims of diabetes and kidney disease compared to their normal weighted counterparts, these diseases develop less at the age of 18.
Seth's BMI indicates the letter A. He has a slight risk of weight-related diseases.
bring the family together and have lots of fun memories before having to grow up.
please give brainly!!!!!
To find your heart rate, there are a lot of ways to do it but <u>neck and wrist </u>are the top two i'd say.
Neck: Take two fingers and place them in the more hollow part of your neck by your "adam's apple" (or larynx) in the middle (place them on any side but it might be easier on the <u>right</u>).
Wrist: To find your wrist pulse, you take two fingers again and put them on the same side of your wrist as your thumb, by the bone in the middle. If you don't know what I'm talking about there is a bone right in the middle of you arm (starts at the wrist pretty much) and to the same side of your wrist as your thumb, if you place your two fingers there you will find a pulse!
{The equation to find maximum heart rate is to take your age and subtract it from 220.}
<u>BUT,</u> to find the regular heart beat at that second all you have to do is count how many beats you have in 15 seconds and multiply that number of beats by 4 to know your beats per minute.
I hope this helped you and makes sense!