B. heat > kinetic energy
~~~hope this helps~~~
A.the rapid movement of molecules in the air
B. a parked car in a hot garage
C.a large boulder precariously resting on a cliff's edge
Brain is the main coordination center of the body and regulates the proper functioning of the body. Brain is divided into three parts- forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.
Cerebrum: Crerebrum is the largest part of brain and controls the language, communication ability, and the process of learning and memory of an organism.
Hypothalamus: Hypothalamus is located at the base of a brain. Hypothalamus releases various hormones, regulates the body temperature and manages the sexual behavior of an organism.
Thalamus: Thalamus is located above the brain stem and relay the neurons into the cerebral cortex. Thalamus regulates alertness, wakefulness and sleep of an organism.
Increase aldosterone and decrease ADH
Aldosterone causes reabsorption of sodium ions while Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) causes reabsorption of water. Aldosterone also causes water reabsorption due to increased osmotic pressure by reabsorbing sodium ions. But for water reabsorption, Aldosterone has to work along with ADH to increase permeability for water. If we increase Aldosterone and decrease ADH, the sodium ions will be reabsorbed while water cannot be reabsorbed due to decreased permeability of DCT and collecting tubules for water.
The Sun gives off energy to the solar panel which then gives power to the battery, which starts the car.