The correct answer is "Core beliefs".
Core beliefs can be understood as the things that we hold to be the real absolute truths, They are found underneath our surface beliefs.
Usually we accept our core beliefs without question but individuals are not aware all the time about their own core beliefs, becauuse they don't have inmediate access to such part of the script.
In conclusion, closest to the surface of consciousness reside the superficial beliefs on how we should think, feel and act, but below that surface individuals have the more elusive part of their script, which is called our "core beliefs".
4. Bronze was made by heating tin and copper and mixing them together which created liquid bronze. This was poured into sand or clay molds and allowed to cool; This was called casting, and it was used to make most bronze objects like swords, knives, pins, etc.
9. This was a period of time where people sought to understand the world through science and logic. They were convinced that the world is governed by universal laws, sometimes called universal constant.
The significance: This was the same type of thinking that influenced the founding of our founding fathers when the constitution was written. Over 50% of our founding fathers were enlightened thinkers.
influx means the arrival or entry in large numbers of people or things
"Eat" is the acting verb in the sentence.