Since the computer accepts raw data as input and converts into information by means of data processing
Yes. Pseudocode is an improvement over the IPO chart because it lays out the sequence of steps for a particular program
The input–process–output (IPO) chart is a widely used approach in systems analysis and software engineering for describing the structure of an information processing program or other process. The chart has three components (Input, Process and Output), and you write the description of each component in plain English, not code or mathematical formulas.
Pseudocode is a procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to be executed and the order in which those actions are to be executed.
Pseudocode is an improvement over the IPO chart because it shows the step by step sequence to be followed by a particular program unlike the IPO chart which just break the program into Input, Process and Output.
The word youre looking for is turpentine, because you don't need to cut down the tree to collect or make it.
There are many weaknesses/vulnerabilities, some of which are the following...
Default Network Hardware, many individuals will go out and buy a new router and install it in their home. These devices come with a preset configuration including a preset security password which is many times a default password used for every router of the same model. This can be easily obtained by anyone who can then access the network.
Access Point hacking, an experienced individual can use a packet sniffer to detect the SSID that is frequently sent from the router in order to create an access point to be able to access the network.
WEP encryption is another vulnerability. These are very low security passwords that can be cracked using different software in a short period of time.
These are some of many vulnerabilities that wireless local networks have, but there are also many precautions and security measures that can be taken to prevent them.