The vet needs to complete a four year vet medicine in college and in high school you need to go through biology your maths, and your animal classes like animal science, livestock production, vet med applications, or whatever classes you have at your school.
a) The genotype of her father = "aa".
The genotype of her mother = "Aa".
The genotype of Sally is "Aa".
b) 1/2
c) 1/2
a) Sally's father has alkaptonuria. So, the genotype of her father is "aa". Her mother is normal. Since her brother is affected by the disease, he should be homozygous recessive (aa). This means that the mother also has one copy of "a" allele and is heterozygous dominant (Aa). A cross between Aa (mother) and aa (father) would give 50% affected progeny with "Aa" genotype. So, the genotype of Sally is "Aa".
b) The genotype of her mother= Aa
The genotype of her father = aa
Aa x aa = 1/2 Aa (affected): 1/2 aa (normal)
So, if Sally's parents have another child, there is a 1/2 probability that this child will have alkaptonuria.
c) The genotype of Sally = Aa
Genotype of the man Sally marries= aa (since he is affected with alkaptonuria)
Aa x aa= 1/2 Aa (affected): 1/2 aa (normal)
There is a 1/2 probability that their child will have alkaptonuria.
Nerve cells because skin cells keep dividing when you loose skin. Epithelial cells also divide when you loose others.