Personal consequences
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b) Fetal hypersensitivity to anesthetic
In general, any type of anesthesia does not present major problems, ie the risks of anesthesia in pregnancy are low, but it depends on a number of factors, ie they exist.
The fetus may have some sensitivity to the anesthetic drug and this may increase the risk of malformation of the baby, for example. The greatest risks are those of spontaneous abortion and premature birth. The likelihood of an abortion when a woman takes anesthesia is about 6%, up to 11% if given in the first trimester of pregnancy. The other concern, premature birth, must also be great, since there is an 8% chance of this happening when a pregnant woman is subjected to anesthesia.
But then how to deal with this kind of problem since anesthesia can do harm to the baby? As we said earlier, everything will depend on a number of factors. Of course, if you can avoid and only take anesthesia after pregnancy, this is most recommended.
Cultivar tus propios alimentos puede ser una tarea que da satisfacción y fomenta la alimentación sana, orgánica y libre de pesticidas.
Los recursos imprescindibles para el cultivo de alimentos son la elección de los alimentos que se quieren cultivar y a partir de ahí elegir el suelo ideal para el desarrollo de las plantas, utilizando compuestos que se pueden preparar en casa como compost orgánico a base de piel de vegetales.
También es necesario elegir la forma a plantar, ya sea mediante plántulas, semillas, tubérculos, etc. Es importante recordar que es fundamental que utilices agua de calidad para regar tu suelo para que no haya contaminación de los alimentos.
También es fundamental que el cultivo se realice en un ambiente con exposición a la luz solar, para que exista el eficaz desarrollo y producción de carbohidratos a través de la fotosíntesis.
d. Okinawans consume more vegetables but fewer calories.
Okinawan diet is the reason behind their long and healthy life. Their carbohydrate to protein ratio in diet is 10:1; which is opposite to the US population who eat more protein and less carbohydrate. A low protein and high carbohydrate diet protect from ageing related illnesses such as Alzheimer, cancer and cardiovascular disease.