Converts to chemical energy.
energy is stored in ATP which is the main energy storing molecule.
Gallbladder Shoulder Pain
Inflammation of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas occurs when gallstones develop in our body . Pressure on different types of nerves is produce when these organs develop inflammation. One of this nerve, the right phrenic nerve can travel upward towards the shoulder and upper back. When you apply pressure to the right phrenic nerve, it produces pain in the right shoulder. This is the reason why many medical resources acknowledge that right shoulder pain is one of the primary symptoms of a gallbladder attack.
Well trees and live animals well be affected
As the spies of a cactus are modified leaves, they have ar spaces.
However, leaves of cactus are not like every other leaf. These leaves are in the form of spines to save the amount of water that the cactus needs.
Most of the amount of water, cactus s saving in its root. Also, the stem of a cactus is used for making food, and this is also the way of saving the water.