1 ) cot x * sin x = cos x
(cos x / sin x) * sin x = cos x
cos x = cos x
Answer: B ) cot x = cos x / sin x
2 ) ( sin² x + cos² x ) / cos x = sec x
1/cos x = sec x
sec x = sec x
Answer: C ) cos² x + sin² x = 1
4/5 because look at the picture
, we have

Then the difference quotient is

since <em>h</em> ≠ 0.
Amount earned=7492.95-6200=1,292.95
By definition we have an integer number given by:
An integer is an element of the numeric set that contains the natural numbers {N} = {1,2,3,4, ...}, its opposite and zero.
On the number line we find the negative numbers to the left of the zero and to its right the positive numbers.
We have then, according to the definition, that the following are whole numbers:
-527, 1
B = {x | x is an integer}
-527 ∈ B
1 ∈ B
option D