The island became an imperial colony in 1509 when Spain conquered the Indigenous Arawak people. In 1655, British forces took the island with hardly a fight, and the British Empire claimed it. Over the years, escaped slaves joined Indigenous survivors in the mountains, forming a society known as Maroons. Maroons won a war against British forces (1728–1740) but lost a second war (1795–1796). In the 1800s, slavery was abolished and Jamaicans gained suffrage, although the British still held power. Early in the 20th century, Marcus Garvey promoted Black nationalism and became the most notable Black leader of his day. During the Great Depression, workers protested inequality and fought the authorities in Jamaica and other Caribbean colonies. In 1943, labor leader Alexander Bustamante won an electoral victory and established a new, more liberal constitution. After World War II, Jamaican leaders developed the government structure to prepare for independence. In 1962, Bustamante’s party won the election and he became premier. That same year, the UK Parliament officially granted Jamaica independence, and Bustamante became the independent country’s first prime minister.
The correct answer is B) The cognitive process of critically evaluating disciplinary insights and creating common ground among them to construct a more comprehensive understanding.
That is a good definition of interdisciplinary integration.
What is going to happen here is that the new understanding would be the product of the evaluation of these disciplines that come to strengthen the knowledge and is the result of the integrative process.
This interdisciplinary integration is going to be useful to synthesize concepts and information needed to improve the quality and focus of research or any investigative project.
Gender pay gap.
One of the problems that Feminism has shown is that inexplicably men and women aren't paid the same amount of money for doing the same job. Resourch proved that women in higher positions also get paid less than the men that there are in lower positions. In that sense, boss women are paid less than worker men.
This difference is often justified for women who participate in part-time jobs and have long absences (due to pregnancy and the cares towards the baby). But this isn't the case for all women. So what are the reasons for this difference, when men and women are working the same and have the same experience? There are many since not hiring women for the maternity leave or paying them less for this, gender stereotypes (that usually is sutil) and the direct discrimination (and when this happen, is easier to report).
In the chart, from 2009, we can see the median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers, by sex, race, and ethnicity. This demonstrate that not only for being women get paid less but it can also be for their ethnicity.
In conclusion, this is a problem that isn't resolved and is been studied with many perspectives to see if this is just another type of discrimination against women.
Based on the picture, I think it is D). I am really sorry if this is wrong.
Tell me if I am right though.
Hope this helps.