Multiple inheritance causes Diamond problem which happens when:
Class A is parent of class B and C
Now when class D will be inherited from both Class B and C it will have all the members of class A and B which if same will confuse the compiler to import which one?
C++ solves it by using virtual keyword with them and thus telling the compiler which one to inherit.
Java has introduced the interface concept rather then allowing multiple inheritance.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int weekly_hours = 0;
int hourly_rate;
float gross_pay = 0;
cout<<"Enter weekly hours worked: ";
cout<<"Enter hourly rate: ";
if (weekly_hours > 40) {
gross_pay = (weekly_hours*hourly_rate) + ((weekly_hours*hourly_rate)*0.5);
gross_pay = weekly_hours*hourly_rate;
cout<<"Weekly gross pay: $"<<gross_pay;
return 0;
Answer: C. Cause and Effect Modelling.
Data Mining is a technique which aims at obtaining important and useful information in a stockpile of data. This in turn would prove useful in making predictions. It would also inform present decisions.
The Cause and Effect modelling approach explains that for every given action ( effect ), there was a prompting factor ( cause ).
In the case of Sendstars Company, the downward spiral in customer retention was as a result of ill -mannered staff. This effect, prompted the decision to have the employees trained on customer service.
Warm Colors:
- <em>Red</em> flowers
- Oranges
Cool Colors:
- <em>Blue </em>skies
- <em>Purple</em> butterflies
Neutral Colors:
- <em>Brown</em> wood
- <em>White</em> birds
Reds, oranges, and yellows are considered warm, and greens, teals, blues, and purples are considered cool. Colors such as white, black, brown, or gray are all neutral.