Simplify just means put together everything into one big thing. In this case that is just adding. To add a fraction and a decimal we have to convert the fraction into a decimal as well. The decimal form of 1/4 is 0.25, and as such, 3/4 is .75. This means we have -0.75+1.5. Adding a positive to a negative is the same thing as simply subtracting the first number from the second, or 1.5-0.75. This is .75. The answer is C.
9514 1404 393
Step-by-step explanation:
The amortization formula tells the payment amount.
A = P(r/n)/(1 -(1 +r/n)^(-nt))
where principal P is paid off in t years with n payments per year at interest rat r.
Using the given values, we find ...
A = $7000(0.165/12)/(1 -(1 +0.165/12)^-12) = $7000×0.01375/(1 -1.01375^-12)
A = $636.77
The total of 12 such payments is ...
$636.77 × 12 = $7641.24
You will pay a total of about $7641.24.
<em>Additional comment</em>
Since the payment amount is rounded down, the actual payoff will be slightly more. Usually, the lender will round interest and principal to the nearest cent on each monthly statement. The final payment will likely be a few cents more than the monthly payment shown here.
A. (2x-3)/2
Step-by-step explanation:
Performing the long division indicated by the perimeter expression, you find ...
perimeter = (2x -3) + (10x +6)/(x^2 +2x)
Comparing this to the formula for the perimeter ...
perimeter = 2W +2L
where L is said to be of the form (ax +b)/(x^2 +2x)
we can match terms in the perimeter expression to see that ...
2W = 2x -3
2L = (10x +6)/(x^2 +2x)
The problem doesn't ask for it, but we can see that (a, b) = (5, 3). We can also see that ...
W = (2x -3)/2 . . . . . . . matches choice A
The answer is:
<span>y</span><span> > 2</span><span>x
</span>x<span> + 2</span>y<span> ≤ –8