The Tenth Amendment gives the rights not expressly delegates to the federal government to the STATES.
Buffalo soldiers didn't only battle Native Americans. They also fought wildfires and poachers in Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks and supported the parks' infrastructure. The Buffalo Soldiers' main duty was to support the nation's westward expansion by protecting settlers, building roads and other infrastructure, and guarding the U.S. mail. This probably didn't help since it was late
Monarchy powers reduced, and the role of the common man in the society became important.
The Glorious Revolution took place in England in 1688, which overthrew of Catholic King James II and replaced William III and his wife Mary II. The revolution followed by a series of Acts passed by the parliament to formulate constitution agreements and reduce the monarchy powers. The new settlement defended parliamentary prerogatives and brought a politics in English traditions.
The American Revolution ended British colonial rule and brought changes in socially, politically, and economically. The founding fathers introduced constitutions by protecting the rights of people.
The French Revolution ended the absolute monarch in France and introduced a representative government.
the U.S. should not have helped Germany recover from war.
The imrpoved agricultural techniques, such as the three field system, the climate change, and the horse plows. These effected Western Europe during the middle ages because the three field system produced better crops, the climate opened more land to farming, and the horse plows allowed faster harvesting. This made life a lot easier for farmers.