Explanati Because most black people were treated differently and discriminated against.
Martin O’Malley son is older then him because he is adopted by both of them.
Martin O Malley is a politician in the United States of America who was once a governor of Maryland. In his family, he has four children. William O Malley is the oldest son who is a teacher, actor, and an author.
William O Malley is even older than his father Martin O Malley who he is currently 88 years old while his father is only 56 years old. This was because William O Malley is not the real son of Martin O Malley and Katie O Malley but is adopted by the both of them.
M = Militarism, A = Alliances, I = Imperialism, and N = Nationalism.)
Mga tumututol o sumasalungat sa turo ng simbahang katoliko
Mga tumututol o sumasalungat sa turo ng simbMga tumututol o sumasalungat sa turo ng simbahang katolikoahang katoliko
Back then, slavery existed and there was much more violence against others. It's very hard to know exactly what the common motives for things like these were. For example, women weren't allowed to wear anything that wasn't a dress and they weren't allowed to cut their hair short since this went against "the norm" but that didn't stop them. During the Roaring 20's women decided to change things up with "the norm" of society. It became a lot more common to see women with shorts on and pixie cuts.