sole proprietorship
This is a business, unincorporated,run by an individual with no distinction between the owner and the business. The owner is not only entitled to all the profits but also,in case business goes wrong, is responsible solely for the losses. In addition, there is no distinction between the owner and the debt, such that in case the business goes into debt the responsibility for paying these debts rests on owner.
C slaves were considered personal property
it important to know what happened in old days to understand how they use to do things
Taking historical perspective means understanding the social, cultural, intellectual, and emotional settings that shaped people’s lives and actions in the past. At any one point, different historical actors may have acted on the basis of conflicting beliefs and ideologies, so understanding diverse perspectives is also a key to historical perspective-taking. Though it is sometimes called “historical empathy,” historical perspective is very different from the common-sense notion of identification with another person. Indeed, taking historical perspective demands comprehension of the vast differences between us in the present and those in the past.
90 is a multiple of 5.......
Navy, trade (second could be multiple things)