Demand and supply
In a market, the demand for a product and the supply of the products affect the price of them.
If a product has limited supply, the price will rise because it is rarer.
If a product has a lot of supply, the price will decrease because it is common.
If product demand is high, prices will rise because sellers want to earn more money.
If product demand is low, prices will sink because sellers need to make some sort of revenue and if the product doesn't sell, they've lost money. If they sell it at a lower price, at least they make some money back.
Of course, there are more factors but demand and supply are the main two, especially in a free market economy.
The correct answer is "She wants to please her father".
Feld, the main character in “The First Seven Years” is a Jewish shoemaker. He is trying to find a good husband for her daughter called Miriam. He believes that Max is a nice and well educated man and he decides to introduce him to his daughter. It is for this reason that Miariam tries to please her father and she accepts going on a second date with Max.
It may suggest pride, power, keen eye sight, smart?
Summarizing an essay can help the reader to identify the important content and organize it in a way that makes it easier to understand.
World War II conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–1945. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers: Germany, Italy, and Japan and the Allies: France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and China. The war was in many respects a continuation, after an uneasy 20-year hiatus, of the disputes left unsettled by World War I. The 40,000,000 through 50,000,000 deaths incurred in World War II make it the bloodiest conflict, as well as the largest war, in history of histories. By the early part of 1939 the German dictator Adolf Hitler had become determined to invade and occupy Poland. Poland, for its part, had guarantees of French and British military support should it be attacked by Germany. Hitler intended to invade Poland anyway, but first he had to neutralize the possibility that the Soviet Union would resist the invasion of its western neighbour. Secret negotiations led on August 23–24 to the signing of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact in Moscow. In a secret protocol of this pact, the Germans and the Soviets agreed that Poland should be divided between them, with the western third of the country going to Germany and the eastern two-thirds being taken over by the U.S.S.R.