Report Wizard
Report Wizard is a tool that helps users quickly and easily create reports with charts, tables and drill-down capabilities
See explaination
Diverse Subset Problem is NP: When presented with a set of k customers, it can be checked in polynomial time that you wont at any time have two customers in the set have ever bought the same product.
Independent Set is known to be NP-complete.
Independent Set ?P Diverse Subset Problem: Suppose we have a black box for Diverse Subset Problem and want to solve an instance of Independent Set. For our Independent Set Problem, we have a graph G=(V,E) and a number k, and need to find out if G contains an independent set of size (at least) k. We need to reduce the Independent Set Problem to a Diverse Subset Problem. We do this by constructing an array where each v in V is a customer and each e in E is a product, and customer v purchased every product e for which the product edge e touches the customer node v. Then we ask the black box for the Diverse Subset Problem if there is a subset of k customers that is diverse.
The black box for the Diverse Subset Problem will return.
The answer is "Creates a profile, that permits master-detail relationship".
This relationship provides the relationship between parent and child when masters describe as a parent and information describes a child by which the main item controls the actions of the object of the detail.
- In this relationship, the main object history is destroyed, the detailed object associated with it will also be lost.
- It lists all related information on the details page of the database, and other choices were wrong which can't be defined in the given senior.
<span>Images are available in many formats, such as tif, bmp, gif, jpeg, and png.
</span>Hope that helps.
"A moving picture is an illusion that makes a still photo seem to move. The basic principal behind motion pictures is the fast transition between one picture to the next, almost creating a seamless transition. A flip-book is a good example of this. Another example would be film used for old movies. The film contains negatives of an image which when light is shined through creates a "shadow" of the image. If you quickly transition the film from one image to the next you end up a motion picture."