Binary sort
Binary sort is one of the fastest search techniques used on arrays and other iterable data types. It algorithm sorts the array in ascending order then gets the item in the middle from which it divides the array to be searched in two parts. If the searched term is less than the mid item, then it is searched for in the first part, else it would be in the second.
I do not know spanish please say in english
how many event you have been too in the last month (well non during this time but as an example)
The answer is:
- CD
Optical disks are circular disks used as storage for binary data usually made of polycarbonate. The data is stored in the disc using a laser machine and accessed using a laser diode illuminating the data path in an optical disc drive.
CD: Compact Discs are the most basic optical disk used today, with only a capacity that goes from 0.7 GB (700 MB) to 0.84 GB (840 MB).
DVD: Digital Versatile Discs increase the storage up to 6 times compared with a CD, the capacity of DVDs optical disks goes from 4.7 GB (4700 MB) to about 17 GB(17000 MB).
UDO: Ultra Density Optical have high capacity storage that goes from 30 GB (30000 MB) to about 60 GB (6000 MB).
Have a nice day!