<span>Two seconds per lift and slowly lower is the answer</span>
gain a better balance, don't hesitate plan ahead
D) bacteria
Antibiotics can kill certain bacteria, but sometimes it's better to just let the bacteria run its course and let it die out on its own. It should be noted, that with our mass usage of antibiotics, certain bacterias have developed a resistance against antibiotics and that is not good at all.
If the person is young, bad posture can result in tight muscles which can cause pain within hours and OVER TIME (like months or YEARS) it could cause your spinal column to hyperextend and cause disk herniations which can be painful. So if you can only pick one answer, I would pick A, Poor posture can result in tight muscles. Think about when you get a sore neck from texting for too long. It's from straining your neck muscles to support the weight of you head in an unnatural (hunched over) position, AKA poor posture. But if you can pick more than one answer than I would go for A and B, because older people develop chronic pain and spinal arthritis (osteoarthritis) from everyday wear and tear on the spine from poor posture.
Explanation: Some tests let you choose more than one answer, I'm giving you the first answer to go for (Answer A) and a second one, (Answer B) if the test is saying "choose all correct answers."
Nurturing a child, providing it together with physical, mental and spiritual stimulation, is crucial for it’s development. Playing with a child is very important if we want them to develop. We can sing to them, talk to them, play with them... comforting a baby is also crucial. They also feel stressful events, and it’s important to hug, kiss and cuddle them. Reading is very important even though they cannot understand it.