An ideal Supreme Court may come accross as scary but, if we think about it it's like any other building. Ususally, it has many pillars suppoting it and is usually decorated in coulourless way.
Extra Information:
Here are some pictures for you to look at if you are stilll finding it difficult to imagine what a supreme court may look like
75, "The operation of treaties as laws, plead strongly for the participation of the whole or a portion of the legislative body in the office of making them." The constitutional requirement that the Senate approve a treaty with a two-thirds vote means that successful treaties must gain support that overcomes partisan
I believe the Preliminary hearing is the answer.
-Grand jury- has nothing to do with this part. Their job is to look at the evidence once the judge determines that the case can go to trial.
- Arraignment- is when the defendant is read what charges they are going to brought upon.
-Detention hearing- the judge decides whether or not the person should be Detained.
Answer: Calling the meeting to order
Answer: The first thing the law requires you to do when you arrive at an intersection is to stop considering that it is a red light signal and wait for the further instruction of the traffic Police.