A nonnative species may not have any natural predators when being introduced subsequently it won’t have any competition with the other organisms living in the same ecosystem. This will make the other organisms struggle for food and other resources and could potentially make them go extinct. They can also have drastic effects to the local biodiversity (for the previous reason). Also, due to the competition or newly introduced predator (assuming they’re a predator) the preexisting organisms of the ecosystem may start to relocate and start a new ecosystem or if there are neighbouring towns/cities may have to forage for food there - which would obviously be dangerous for both them and us. Hope these few examples help.
Not always because there could be birth defects, mutations, or other variables.
Igneous - A rock formed by the cooling and crystallization of magma (molten rock) at or below the Earth's surface. Sedimentary - A rock formed as a result of the weathering process, either by compaction and cementation of rock mineral fragments, or the precipitation of dissolved minerals.
Cuando los niveles de testosterona están bajos, la hormona liberadora de gonadotrofina (GnRH) es liberada por el hipotálamo que a su vez estimula la glándula pituitaria para liberar LH. Esta última hormona estimula los testículos para sintetizar la testosterona.