I believe the answer is true
Here’s some things you can do to help you relax and feel more chill and in a better mood. This helps me. Everyone is different.
1. Get an app or a coloring book and just color for a while.
2. Drink some warm tea or hot chocolate just something warm to calm the nerves.
3. Watch a throwback show/video which is a television show or video you have not seen in a while and miss a little.
4. Listen to some music. Some with a hopeful message or relaxing music.
5. Do some yoga poses with piano music and nature sounds in the background.
These are my personal favorites and I hope this helps you.
Technical Systems. Everything that performs a function is a technical system. Examples of technical systems include cars, pens, books and knifes. Any technical system can consist of one or more subsystems
Option A
A person attempting to make a phone call while waiting for a meeting, is starting one task before another begins. So, it's not option B since multitasking is completing two or more tasks as once. It's not option C because sequential tasking, is beginning one task and not starting another in till that initial task is completed. It's not cleaving tasks or option D because cleaving tasks just means clinging to one task. Your best answer is option A or "combining tasks", since you are completing a phone call while waiting for your meeting. It means you are completing one task while waiting for another one to start.
Hope this helps.
Family teaches the child about life and getting along, family teaches the child everyday things.