I'm at a loss between A & C but I'm not sure, I'd go with A
When we drink less water or we are dehydrated the body will compensate for 1-2% of the total amount of water by creating a sensation of thirst. The kidneys, brain, hormones and glands work in co-ordination monitoring the amount of water consumed to the amount of water lost.
The hypothalamus gland regulates the temperature of our body and balances the processes to control the amount of fluids in body. On detecting less amount of water in blood the hypothalamus gives signals for releasing the anti-diuretic hormone which causes kidneys to remove lesser amount of water from the blood. As a result of this we urinate less and the urine is concentrated dark in appearance. The brain also signals to consume water or liquid to bring the hydration level of the body to normal.
A neuron (also known as nerve cell) is an electrically excitable cell that takes up, processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. It is one of the basic elements of the nervous system. In order that a human being can react to his environment, neurons transport stimuli.
A question is never clear
The trachea, spiracle, and air sac are part of their respiratory system, Howeber, the tubules are what take away the carbon dioxide from their system. Im not sure if they produce the carbon dioixde. But they are a part of what removes the carbon-dioxide from their body.