Answer: straw polls
A straw poll an unofficial vote that shows how the public thinks about a specific subject or their vote intentions in an election.
Literary Digest took a presidential election straw poll for years, and for years it accurately predicted the winner. It was only in 1936 that the poll predicted, mistakenly, the Republican candidate as the winner, and Literary Digest lost its credibility.
Equal protection calls for state,to guarantee the same rights,priveleges, and protection for all the citizens. Substantive due process on the other hand calls upon court protection of certain fundamental rights from government interference, even if procedural protections are present or the rights are not specifically mentioned elsewhere in the US Constitution. The statute that was raised by the state conferred certain privileges on part of the motorists,requiring some to always wear helmets while others were not.
The answer is Unconstitutional, as its purpose is spiritual rather than secular. (APEX)
Psychobabble is a form of speech or writing that uses language loaded with psychological terminology to give an impression of a plausible quality through a misdirection and obfuscation (mental confusion produced by an idea or impression that prevents reasoning). Our ability to reason normally can be disturbed and confused and on these occasions we say that we are obfuscated. The term implies that the speaker or writer does not adequately handle psychological terms to give them the necessary understanding.
Students in the United States seldom applaud after a lecture, whereas students in Europe often applaud or rap their knuckles on their desks. This cultural difference reflects the power of DISPLAY RULES to influence nonverbal communication.