The body of water that is most likely to be a marine ecosystem would be an estuary.
An estuary is a widened, often funnel-shaped mouth of a river, where fresh river water and salt sea water are mixed and thus brackish water is created, and where tidal differences can be observed. When a river flows as a system of branches, it is called a delta.
Estuaries often have a great natural value. They typically consist of swallows and salt marshes that are very rich in invertebrates and thus have a great attraction for birds, among other things.
type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software. Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems. Users are typically tricked by some form of social engineering into loading and executing Trojans on their systems.
Explanation its malware
def main():
name = input("What is your name? ")
if not name == "" or "":
age = int(input("What is your age? "))
print("Hello " + name + "! You were born in " + str(2021 - age))
Self explanatory