The answer is $100.
Amount she steals= $100
Amount she bought goods= $70
Amount the owner returns as change = $30
Amount owner loses=?
Amount she steals +amount of goods - amount she gives to owner + amount owner returns as change = $100 + $70 - $100 + $30 = $200 - $100 = $100
A good has positive externality if the benefits to third parties not involved in production is greater than the cost. an example of an activity that generates positive externality is research and development. Due to the high cost of R & D, they are usually under-produced. Government can encourage the production of activities that generate positive externality by granting subsidies.
A good has negative externality if the costs to third parties not involved in production is greater than the benefits. an example of an activity that generates negative externality is pollution. Pollution can be generated at little or no cost, so they are usually overproduced. Government can discourage the production of activities that generate negative externality by taxation. Taxation increases the cost of production and therefore discourages overproduction. Tax levied on externality is known as Pigouvian tax.
Government can regulate the amount of externality produced by placing an upper limit on the amount of negative externality permissible
Coase theorem has been proposed as a solution to externality. According to this theory, when there are conflicting property rights, bargaining between parties involved can lead to an efficient outcome only if the bargaining cost is low
Another solution to negative externality is through the activities of charities. Charities can raise donations to limit or regulate the activities of firms that constitutes a negative externality.
The correct answer is A
Economic well being is described or states as having the future as well as the present financial security. It involves the ability to make the choices of the economic and have a sense of satisfaction, security and the personal fulfillment with the one's employment pursuit and the personal finances.
So, in order to assess or evaluate the economic well being, one should compare the situation of his or her economic well being with that of most of the people who are alive today.
Positive Statements: 1st & 2nd ; Normative Statements: 3rd & 4th
Positive Economics is <u>objective</u> & <u>facts</u> based <u>actual</u> economic issue description , explaining verifiable phenomenas (causal relationships).
Normative Economics is <u>subjective</u> & opinion based conclusive <u>solutions</u> to economic issues, including '<u>ought to be</u>' unverifiable suggestions.
1. Lung cancer kills millions of people each year: reflects actual objective verifiable fact about an economic (health) issue.
2. Too many people smoke: denotes another actual objective variable fact connected to (potential cause of) the above economic (health) issue.
So , these two are Positive Statements.
3. If the government were to increase taxes on cigarettes, fewer people would smoke : Is subjective opinion based probable solution to the above economic (health) issue.
4. The government should increase taxes on cigarettes : Is an 'ought to' suggestion for an economic participant (govt) to solve the above economic (health) issue.
So , these two are Normative Statements
A is the answer of these questions you had ask....