The answer is; E
With environmental changes, the carrying capacity can either increase or decrease. It is important to note that the carrying capacity is the number of individuals of a species that a habitat can sustain indefinitely. With favorable environmental conditions, the carrying capacity increases while unfavorable environmental conditions decrease the carrying capacity.
Hey there!
That is false. The three stages in the water cycle are evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
Hope this helps :)
A pack of wolves move into a forest
a d*ck and a yk what-
no need for me to say more,
<h2>Species richness </h2>
Resource partitioning is a type of strategy of coexistence among species which allow species to use natural resources in different ways and it may be temporal or spatial
There are two attributes of a community which will tend to lead to lower species richness in a community:
1) Most species are generalists, utilizing a broad spectrum of resources
: Species that can live in many different types of environments, and have a varied diet are considered generalists
2) Most species are specialists, utilizing a narrow spectrum of resources: Specialists are those species that require very unique resources, these type of species have a very limited diet or need a specific habitat condition to survive